I am usually the first person to apologize. When someone offends me, I say sorry. When I went to New York City for the first (and last!) time, people would bump into and I would say excuse me or I'm sorry. If I happen to take the last bagel in a box or seat in a row, I apologize. I get it. I say it a lot and usually it is not completely genuine. When I make a friend angry or say something rude to my mother, I apologize and I mean it. Here are a few things that I am not sorry for, despite what I may say...this may also include things that I say I feel bad about, but guess what? I don't.
1. Drinking soda. Since when did Diet Coke become the poison of society? Ok, I get it, it's not good for me. But you would think I am drinking liquid anthrax by the way people judge me when I walk into my office with a fountain soda.
2. Not holding the door for someone who is walking 100 feet behind me. I'm not sorry that I'm not going to wait for you to speed up so I can be kind. Walk faster or hold your own door.
3. Saying what everyone else is thinking. Ok, this is a fine line. I do not want to be rude, but good god, can we just acknowledge when something is so completely obvious? I had a co-worker once who got a very serious hairstyle change that was not becoming. Everyone acted like nothing had changed. Hello? Am I the only one itching to say something?
4. Being assertive at work. It may make you look bad, but I am going to volunteer to do work when it is brought up. No, I am not trying to make you look like a bump on a log, but please...this is a job, not a play group.
5. Going to a bar and ordering what I want rather than what is on "special". On that note, same thing with any food special. I would rather pay a few dollars more than suck something down that I do not enjoy...my mother, ever the deal lover, hates this about me.
6. Being myself...ok, not to get cheesy, but I am sick of apologizing for being the way that I am. Yes, I can be sarcastic and insensitive towards others. Yes, I talk about myself a lot. But if you don't like it, don't be friends with me. I'm not sorry.
XOXO + no apologies,
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