It has been awhile since I have posted. I realize this doesn't mean much, as I assume no one actually reads this blog...hello, nine members? How pathetic. That being said, I feel as though the impending new year is a best time for some self-reflection. Now for me, reflection usually involves what kind of hummus I will be purchasing this week (new favorite-greek style). But in this case, I have chosen to look at things that people tell me are annoying. These are things I do, by the way. All of them. All the time. Whatever.
-Blowing bubbles with my gum. The best brand is Ice Cubes by Ice Breakers.
-Not unloading the dishwasher. I have decided my time is too valuable. I have far too many episodes of Sister Wives recorded to catch up on.
-Switching the radio station every .537 seconds.
-Filling awkward silence with loud sighs when I have nothing to be sighing about.
-Taking the last soda out of the box in my fridge and then leaving the box in there.
-Not recycling. My recycling bin is literally next to my normal trash can, but I can't lean over the railing of my porch to drop it in like I can with the normal one. Sorry, landfills.
-Leaving almost empty bottles of shampoo in the shower.
-Never, ever, ever having cash.
This is all pretty much to do with laziness.
New year's resolution?
Stop being lazy.