So, I know I am only 23, but I have decided to make a list of 30 things I want to do by the time I turn 30.
30. Learn to drive a stick shift
29. Go to Europe
28. Meet someone that I can stand being around for more than 5 minutes
27. Marry that someone from #28
26. Stop drinking diet coke
25. Get licensed as an LCSW
24. Take the LSAT and apply to law school just to see if I can get in
23. Buy a brand new, zero-miles driven car
22. Take my parents on vacation
21. Buy a Chanel bag
20. Try to enjoy caviar
19. Take a photography class
18. Be less materialistic
17. Stop gossiping
16. Drink more water, less white wine
15. Jump out of a plane...ok maybe not
14. Make a turkey on Thanksgiving
13. Donate my hair to Locks of Love
12. Buy a bike
11. Buy a house
10. Enjoy being by myself
9. Tell people I love them more
8. Eat more vegetables that I don't like (brussel sprouts, so gross)
7. Meet someone famous
6. Become more outwardly friendly
5. Adopt a dog (times three?)
4. Take a vacation on my own
3. Start a family
2. Read War and Peace
1. Live more simply