Saint Louis is so pretty right now and I am loving this month so far. I can finally start wearing summer-y clothes and people are coming back in town for summer breaks, which is the best. People seem to walk in and out of our lives, but the ones who matter always walk back in right when we need them most! I have been having a hard couple of months, but I have such an optimistic view about this summer and the future. I am putting complete faith in God that all will work itself out in the end and I am so content. Here are some things I am really loving now:
-planning my best friend, Tinabells' bachelorette party at my farm!
-tanner faces and blonder hair
-my Lilac Longchamp that I didn't use enough last summer
-drinking wine in my grandmother's backyard on a blanket
-gardening with my mama
-my new office at work!
-pink flowers
-new summer dresses
-Jack Rogers wedges
-flower earrings
Much love always, M